Hi There!
We're glad that you're here. We know that it can sometimes feel awkward going to a new place, so we wanted to take a moment to address any concerns you may have about visiting Harvest-Time. The following is a list of questions people frequently have before coming to church. We hope that our answers relieve any anxiety you may feel about visiting us. If you don't see your question in the list or an answer is not clear, just contact us. We'll get right back to you.
We look forward to meeting you!
What should I wear?
It’s not our desire to be focused on how an individual is dressed. The only biblical standard for what we wear to church is for us to dress modestly.
Do you have a children's ministry?
A program for children on Sunday morning is on our list of priorities. We are addressing the curriculum and seeking God for an individual who feels called to this area of ministry. Our intention is to fill this need very soon.
Am I going to have to sing or clap?
No. You are invited to experience the worship time in our fellowship in any way that you are comfortable. We don’t put any expectation on how you express your love for God. You will see various expressions of worship in this fellowship as we believe the Bible teaches that worship is not a dull ritual, but a joyful and intimate celebration of God's presence. The Bible encourages us to express our love to God in a variety of ways:
+ Singing - Psalm 30:4·, 95:1
+ Kneeling - Psalm 95:6, Luke 22:41
+ Standing - Psalm 134:1, 135:2
+ Lifting Up Hands - Psalm 134:2, 1 Timothy 2:8
+ Clapping Hands - Psalm 47:1, 98:8
+ Dancing - Psalm 149:3, 150:4
+ Shouting - Psalm 35:27, 47:1
+ Musical Instruments - Psalm 150:3-5, 2 Samuel 65
+ Prophetic Song - Psalm 40:3, 96:1, 98:1
Will anything weird/strange happen while I'm there?
In the course of our worship, you may experience some things you find unusual: you may hear a prophetic word given to encourage or edify (1 Cor. 14:3, 31) or a brief message in tongues, followed by an interpretation (1 Cor. 14:5, 18, 27).
Will I have to speak to people?
We’re a friendly congregation. We like to greet our guests and make them feel welcome. During the church service you may be acknowledged and asked to stand briefly so that everyone can see you, but you don’t have to say anything. However, you can expect various members to approach you before the service ends just to let you know we’re happy to see you.
What type of outreach ministries do you have or participate in?
Harvest-Time has supported individual missionaries in various countries for years. We support our local community through donations to Salem Main Street, through combined ministry with various outreaches with the Salem Area Ministerium, and we give support to local non-profits such as Meals on Wheels. Prior to COVID, we held a yearly ‘give away’ to anyone in our community who came; They were able to walk away with clothes, household items, toys, books, jewelry and other miscellaneous Items as well as being invited to have lunch. For the past 4 years we have also supported the Operation Christmas Child project of Samaritan's Purse.
What about COVID?
Some of our attendees are vaccinated. Some are not. We believe in using our faith as well as using wisdom. We believe that God’s Word as stated in Psalm 91:10 applies to us now, and we also believe that there are both spiritual and natural sides to the application of God’s Word. We have faith that God will and does protect us, and we purpose to follow the recommendations of the leading medical professionals and to adhere to the guidelines of our government in so far as they do not conflict with our religious beliefs and freedoms. We follow social distancing guidelines and mask mandates in our facilities as required by law, and while we honor and respect an individual’s right to make a choice, our pastor recommends all who are able to protect themselves and others by getting vaccinated.
Are we going thru the COVID-19 pandemic because God is angry with us?
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosover believes on him will not perish, but have everlasting life. (Jn. 3:16) It is not God’s will that any should perish. God is not against us, but in many ways humankind has rejected God's principles. This pandemic may be one of the consequences of the actions of humankind, not necessarily a direct judgement from God. (Eccl. 7:29 MSG)
Is there any hope?
Yes! God has a plan for each one of us, to prosper us, to bring us to an expected end, an end that is for good and not for evil. (Jer. 29:11) God is for you, not against you.